Many food hubs sell directly to consumers and institutions through wholesale and retail sales. This can take the form of CSA programs, online marketplaces, or wholesale distribution lists.
Member Spotlight
SPOTLIGHT: MWUYF’s Vacation Shared Agriculture (VSA) Program: Throughout the summer months, Men and Women United operates a unique direct-sales model that provides local beach vacationers access to fresh, local produce during their stays. The program is called Vacation Supported Agriculture (VSA). Through the VSA program, MWUYF works closely with vacation realty companies to have customers pre-order shares of produce. Pre-ordered produce bags are then conveniently dropped off on-site at vacation realty locations across Brunswick County.
Furthermore, this project serves as a youth enrichment and leadership program! Youth Ambassadors take lead on packing produce bags and delivering to participating beaches, as well as doing additional direct sales at the beach during distribution days.
Member Spotlight
High Country Food Hub’s Online Marketplace
High Country Food Hub operates a year-round online farmer’s market, allowing producers and artisans to sell directly to the community. Customers place orders during a four-day window, after which farmers bring products to the food hub for aggregation and customer pickup at the food hub and throughout the region.
For consumers, satellite pick-up locations now exist throughout the High Country, making it even easier to participate in the local food economy; producers list their products based on availability and set their own prices, just like any other farmer’s market, but without having to leave the farm. Th food hub also doubles SNAP-EBT purchases through its Double Up program for consumers. It’s a win-win-win for the High Country food system!